Stefano... The First Mannarino

the first mannarino

Recent archaeological excavations have uncovered some very rare finds that can be traced back to the first, unique and legendary Mannarino.
Until now, its origins have been shrouded in mystery, but information has finally emerged that may lead us to some explanation.

One, two, three, four... Arrosticini...

Arrosticini Il Mannarino

Between Apulian 'bombette pugliesi', ribs and grandma's meatballs - you know - butcher Mannarino never sends you home hungry and is always ready to offer you the various specialities on his counter. And one, in particular, has conquered the hearts and bellies of many with its unbeatable taste. We are talking about the arrosticino, a typical Abruzzo kebab made with lamb meat and barbecued.