Supplier Code

The group's commitment

Our Manifesto

The very act of eating becomes a search for experiences, connections with traditions, memories and loved ones.

Italy eats when it is hungry for emotions. That is why we have decided not only to sell good food, but also to create moments where anyone can be a protagonist.

We want to focus on experiences and expectations, to create a place where flavours speak of identity and territory, people are the salt and sharing is the natural outline.

For us, all this means eating.

This is the story you will find at our table.

Commitment to people, the environment and the community in which Il Mannarino, Rosita and Veramente operate must be shared at all company levels and respected by all stakeholders.

The group's commitment to the following code refers to the SDGs, in particular Goal 12: Responsible Production and Consumption.
"companies are adopting increasingly conscious procurement systems by selecting and monitoring their suppliers so as to maximise positive and minimise negative impacts on the environment, people and the economy."

On the basis of this principle, the group is actively committed to considering as conditions of merit, and therefore of preference, the environmental and social certifications achieved by its partners, which will be subject to particular review during the selection process. In particular, this policy applies to:

● Food suppliers and raw materials
● Packaging
● Office supplies
● Cleaning materials

This is why the group undertakes, with this document, to constantly share with its suppliers its policies and practices necessary to comply with the actors described above and to verify their implementation through periodic audits, at least every two years. We want to share this document publicly in order to offer our customers maximum transparency.

The Commitment of Our Partners

The group's suppliers represent with their products and services the basis of this value chain and commit themselves by signing this code to comply with all responsible sourcing practices required by the company and to be directly responsible for their social and environmental performance.

All suppliers in the group must comply with the code and ensure that their subcontractors (if any) and any other third parties involved on their behalf operate in full compliance with it.

The Supplier Code is designed on the basis of the group's code of ethics and follows its value principles and internal control and management regulations.

The Supplier Code follows the standards for impact assessment of Bcorp considered and integrated into corporate performance through SDGs Action Manager.

Scope and Content

All suppliers of the group by accepting this code commit themselves to apply and respect the guidelines for environmental, social and economic sustainability contained therein.
The aim is to create valuable business relationships that generate multiple benefits for the company and the supplier. The group is aware that the implementation of certain provisions may be time-consuming and costly. Compliance with this code will be assessed taking into account the diversity of the individual partners and the specific context in which they operate. In any case, Il Mannarino expects suppliers to undertake to report non-compliance with this code to the company if it is partially complied with.

Supplier Selection

The following sub-sections will be specifically analysed during the selection and audit of potential or current suppliers.

Observance of Current Regulations

The group is committed to respecting the environment along the entire production chain and expects the same from its suppliers. In fact, they must comply with current environmental regulations and requirements that include, among others: obtaining and maintaining environmental authorisations and approvals to carry out regulated activities; handling and disposal of hazardous materials; emissions of contaminants that impact the air, water and soil; protection of natural resources and fauna; prohibition or restriction in the use of specific substances; recycling of materials and respect for environmental rights.

The use of hazardous substances by Suppliers shall comply with the requirements imposed by law, in particular, they shall prohibit the use of substances that are banned nationally and internationally as being harmful to people or the environment, and in addition implement appropriate measures for the handling, storage and transport of hazardous substances.

The group acts as a facilitator in compliance with the above-mentioned rules, and together with the supplier sets expectations and targets to be achieved within a chosen timeframe, usually a maximum of two years, in order to improve and refine social and environmental performance.

Virtuous Practices

The group pays attention to the choice of its suppliers, the environment and the way they operate. This is why we want to ensure that the partners with whom we collaborate act in accordance with current regulations, not only from a regulatory point of view but also with regard to environmental and social impact.
We also check that our suppliers have internal policies in relation to ethics and corruption, and that they are administered according to common sense.

Our partners should share the group's quality standards and vision. This is why we would like our suppliers to adopt virtuous practices that go beyond what is required by regulations, or to hold certifications (carried out by third parties) regarding social and/or environmental performance.

Environmental Issues and Data Measurement

The group requires its suppliers to meet the standards relating to the production and disposal of solid waste, the presence and use of chemical agents (set by current legislation).

Areas of Intervention

The following paragraphs describe the areas of application of the Supplier Code. Each point includes a series of activities requiring specific procedures and control programmes. Suppliers undertake to cooperate with the group on each of these points.


The group adheres to the standards of the B Impact Assessment as a Benefit Company with regard to health, economic well-being, social welfare and worker safety.

Suppliers undertake to respect and defend the human rights of workers and to treat them with dignity and respect, guaranteeing every employee equal opportunities based on a meritocratic selection criterion, as required by the international community and the above standards.

If non-conformities are found, the team will compulsorily request the necessary documentation and may carry out field inspections.


Prohibition of Forced, Forced and Compulsory Labour

The group supplier opposes any form of forced labour as defined by the International Labour Organisation (ILO). It condemns and does not apply any form of forced or compulsory labour, including forced prison labour, debt bondage, forced labour and modern forms of slavery.

The group supplier is committed to ensuring that all employees enjoy freedom of movement and are not restricted by physical restrictions, abuse or threats. Workers are not to be withheld from government-issued identity documents, passports or work permits, or valuable assets.

Any work performed must be voluntary, and the contractual relationship may be freely terminated in accordance with the terms of the signed contract. All workers must be made aware of the working conditions and must be paid regularly.

Prohibition of Child Labour

The group's suppliers may not employ workers below the minimum age for admission to employment (based on ILO standards) and in compliance with the social and legal employment frameworks of individual countries where a higher minimum age is prescribed.

Harsh and Inhuman Treatment

Workers shall not be subjected to harsh or inhuman treatment such as sexual harassment, corporal punishment, physical or mental coercion or verbal abuse, nor shall there be any threat of such treatment.

Physically demanding work

Workers' exposure to physically demanding tasks such as manual handling of materials and lifting heavy loads, prolonged standing and performing highly repetitive tasks or forced monitoring tasks must be assessed and controlled. If these tasks are present, the necessary corrective measures must be put in place to eliminate and/or limit their negative consequences as far as possible.

Working Hours

Group suppliers will have to comply with national and international standards regarding working hours.
They must grant weekly rest periods, annual leave, national holidays, parental leave, sick leave and any other type of leave to the extent permitted by law.

The working week, including overtime, shall not exceed the legally permissible number of working hours and at least one day off per seven-day week shall be guaranteed.

Fair Wage

Workers' wages must comply with wage legislation, including: laws on wages, minimum wage, overtime work and allowances prescribed by national and international law.

Any deduction of wages must comply with local legislation and the terms and conditions of pay must be communicated to workers in a clear and timely manner.

Special attention is paid to monitoring policies and initiatives to reduce the Gender Pay Gap if present, by the supplier.

Health and Safety

A healthy and safe working environment promotes the quality of products and services, uniformity of production and the psycho-physical well-being of workers.
Il Mannarino's suppliers are committed to complying with national and international standards to ensure a safe and healthy working environment for all employees.

Accidents and Illnesses at Work

Procedures and systems for managing, monitoring and reporting occupational injuries and illnesses will have to be in place. These should include provisions for:

● Encourage the reporting of cases of injury and/or illness, without fear of retaliation against the worker
● Classifying and recording such incidents
● Providing necessary medical care
● Investigate individual cases and implement corrective actions
● Facilitating the return of workers to the workplace

Machine Protection Systems and Industrial Hygiene

Physical guards, interlocks and barriers must be installed on the machinery used by workers, and must be regularly maintained.

It will be necessary to identify, assess and control workers' exposure to potentially harmful chemical, physical and biological agents and to act promptly in the event of non-compliance.
If potential risks cannot be adequately controlled by technical and administrative means, workers must be provided with suitable personal protective equipment.


It will be necessary to control workers' exposure to safety hazards in the workplace through appropriate design, technical, administrative and preventive maintenance controls.

In order to minimise risks, employees must be provided with the appropriate protective equipment, which is provided free of charge by the employer.

The group's suppliers also undertake to disseminate safety information at all levels, hold specific training courses and set up appropriate systems for detecting, monitoring, analysing and eliminating any critical issues.
If this is not possible, workers must be provided with appropriate personal protective equipment.
The construction and maintenance of work facilities must be carried out in accordance with current safety standards, regulations and laws.

Operational Readiness and Intervention in Emergencies

Group suppliers will have to be prepared for emergency situations, which will have to be identified and evaluated to minimise the impact.
For this, emergency plans and worker response procedures must be in place, including: emergency reporting, employee warning, worker training and evacuation drills, suitable fire detection and suppression equipment, compliant exit facilities and recovery plans.

Diversity and Inclusion

The group makes diversity one of its strengths by valuing and investing in social inclusion projects through work.
Differences in gender, culture, language, sexual orientation are not seen as obstacles, but as valuable moments of confrontation and dialogue, capable of having a positive impact on the working and private environment of employees and the entire community. This core value must be shared by all suppliers, who must adhere to and work in this direction. The group is committed to rewarding suppliers who demonstrate diversity within their workforce and is also committed to rewarding suppliers whose ownership belongs to populations that are under-represented in the world of work.



The group's suppliers shall not discriminate in employment and remuneration practices on grounds of: gender, ethnicity, social origin, sexual orientation, age, disability, political opinion, religious belief, trade union membership.

Diversity and inclusion must be valued in accordance with the group's founding values, and by collaborating with the company, suppliers will be able to implement improvement projects and objectives in this direction.

Entities that take proactive measures for the promotion and inclusion of diversity for all employees, including temporary workers, temps, interns and workers working in a country other than their country of origin, will be evaluated, supported and rewarded.

The group's suppliers shall take the necessary measures and steps to identify, prevent and reduce discrimination that they may be the cause of, or may have engendered in connection with their business arrangements.

Gender Equality

The group's supplier formally commits to enhancing the presence of women in the company in terms of: access to managerial positions, pay equity, paid parental leave, handling gender discrimination complaints.
The group supplier undertakes to offer anti-discrimination training to its employees.


The group's suppliers must act in accordance with the applicable laws on the protection of privacy and sensitive data.
They will have to protect the personal data and privacy rights of the workers themselves.


Environmental responsibility and its protection are an integral part of the values of the group, which is committed to respecting nature and the territory in which it operates, with a view to preserving resources for future generations.

The group invites its suppliers to work together to minimise the environmental impact of their supply chain, aiming to build procurement models that are virtuous for the environment and economically more advantageous for the supplier and the company in the short and medium term.


Chemical and Hazardous Materials

The group requires its suppliers to inform us (enclosing documentation) if and to what extent they are aware of any presence of chemical residues in their products, and if they use materials or chemicals in their production processes that could alter the integrity of the final product.

All chemical or other materials that if released could be hazardous to the environment must be identified and managed to ensure safe handling, handling, storage, recycling, reuse and disposal.

The company cooperates with or requires its suppliers to collect data and provide information on the presence and use of chemical agents in the supply chain.

Solid Waste and Waste Water

Solid waste and wastewater from activities, industrial processes and sanitary facilities must be monitored, controlled, and treated as required by law before being discharged or disposed of.
The company cooperates with or requires its suppliers to collect data and provide information on waste generation in the supply chain.

The group also asks its suppliers, where possible, to implement initiatives to reduce solid waste at source, or divert it from landfill or incineration.

In the event of sloppy management of solid waste production, Il Mannarino is committed to assisting its suppliers to improve it through corrective actions in order to meet the standards set by law.

Emissions Measurement

Particular attention must also be paid to the monitoring of emissions from the transport of goods, which must be controlled and reduced as much as possible through the use of low-impact logistics systems, favouring as much as possible the choice of local suppliers.

The group attaches great importance to the development of its local community and in fact, where possible and other things being equal, undertakes to select at least half of its suppliers within an 80km radius of its headquarters.

Water Resources Management

The group requires its suppliers to collect data and provide information on water consumption.

Subject to the availability of data from individual suppliers, Il Mannarino undertakes to monitor and analyse the monitoring of the following data and to set improvement targets with the individual supplier.

Environmental Permits and Reporting

All necessary permits (e.g. discharge and emission monitoring) and environmental records must be obtained, managed and updated. The company's operational and reporting requirements must also be met.

Pollution Prevention and Resource Reduction

Waste of any kind, including water and energy, must be reduced and/or eliminated at source or through more virtuous practices such as: modification of production and maintenance processes, replacement, conservation and recycling.

Protection of Biodiversity

The company requires its suppliers to collect data and provide information on the possible impact of the supply chain on environmental biodiversity.

The group recognises and values the commitment of suppliers who respect and protect the biodiversity of the territories in which they operate and of the entire supply chain.

Specifically, special attention will be given to land protection, reforestation, land use management and indigenous communities on the land. There is no tolerance for land grabbing.

Animal Welfare

The group's supplier must move towards good animal welfare practices with a view to continual improvement, aiming to limit the environmental impact of its livestock and/or production.

Sustainable Packaging

The group's supplier is committed to researching and implementing the necessary measures to minimise the environmental impact of its product packaging through the possible use of sustainable packaging: recyclable, eco-friendly and in possession of third-party environmental certifications.
Unnecessary packaging, particularly from non-renewable sources, must be limited, and reuse and recycling of packaging must be encouraged.

Energy Efficiency

The group supplier will take the necessary measures to minimise energy consumption and define energy saving strategies such as: energy from renewable and/or locally produced sources.


Our suppliers must be in line with the values and principles of maximum transparency that Il Mannarino has always applied at all company levels.

Prohibition of bribery, extortion or embezzlement

The highest levels of integrity must be observed in all business interactions.
Any form of bribery, extortion, embezzlement is strictly forbidden, under penalty of immediate termination of the relationship and legal recourse if necessary.

Dissemination of Information

Information concerning the company's activities, structure, assets and results shall be disclosed in accordance with current legislation and industry practice.
No bribes or other means shall be offered or accepted for the purpose of obtaining improper or undue advantages.

Commercial Fairness, Fair Advertising and Fair Competition

Standards of fairness and loyalty in the conduct of the company and in advertising and competitive activities must be observed.
Systems must also be established to protect customer information as required by GDPR.


Programmes should be put in place to ensure that the confidentiality of those within the company who report irregular and/or unethical situations between the group's supplier and its employees is protected.
In line with the principles of the group's code of ethics, values and internal control and management regulations, with particular reference in this case to the whistleblowing policy applied to all its stakeholders.

Management and Control Systems

The cooperation required by the group from its suppliers is not only about complying with environmental and social standards, but also about creating and enhancing partnerships, based on trust and transparency.
The group expects prompt and detailed communication of any violations of the code, and this paragraph goes on to describe how this will be monitored and controlled.

Monitoring and Reporting

Group suppliers shall adopt a management system relevant to compliance with the principles contained in this code, including improvement objectives, policies and internal control procedures.

The management system must be formulated in such a way as to ensure:
● Supplier code compliance
● The identification and reduction of operational risks related to the following code
● By adhering to this code, suppliers make themselves formally responsible for their social and environmental performance. The supplier code represents a tool for continuous improvement to make the commitment made to the environment and society a reality.

Quality Control

In order to ensure consistently high quality standards, the group reserves the right to carry out checks on purchased goods on an annual or sample basis.

Support for Suppliers

The group is committed to identifying suppliers with potential training needs and/or wishing to improve their performance and their social and environmental impact, and is committed to providing their expertise in order to achieve this. This activity is carried out both in a general manner and, above all, when non-compliance is detected.

Control System

Interview of Suppliers

The group wishes to be in constant communication and update with its partners, which is why there is a special channel where suppliers can leave reports or suggestions regarding their satisfaction or other relevant issues. To access the channel, please contact the supervisor.

The group expects maximum cooperation and trust from the most virtuous suppliers during auditing, in order to be able to intervene promptly in case of critical issues and to support its suppliers with targeted improvement and support measures in the impact areas in which it can offer its know-how.

System of Engagement: Measures

In the event of non-compliance, either declared by the suppliers themselves or detected by Il Mannarino in accordance with the auditing methods specified see "Control System", the supplier will be asked to plan specific corrective actions.

The supplier will be given a reasonable period of time within which to resolve the critical issues and inform about the correction plan implemented and its timing.
The company is willing to provide appropriate guidance and information for its resolution.

The actions implemented must lead to the elimination of the critical issues, failing which, in the most serious cases of non-compliance or breach of the code, all contractual commitments on the part of Il Mannarino, Rosita and Veramente will be terminated.

Supplier's Commitment

The Group's supplier agrees and formally accepts the principles and rules contained in the following code in order to contribute to and cooperate with the control and internal audit systems specified in the Supplier Code. It undertakes to provide, if requested, specific certifications and/or documents attesting to its commitment to and compliance with the standards required by Il Mannarino.

The following code can be transmitted and integrated at all levels of the supply chain.

Table of Contents